
The WIDEST paracord bracelets

Posted by Lauri on Jun 9th 2017

The Widest Paracord Bracelets

Sometimes you just need to make a statement right? That can be with an animal print shirt, crazy patterned pants, a big & bold necklace, or even a cuff style wide paracord bracelet.

While thin paracord bracelets are fun to mix and match, with a cuff-style bracelet you don't need the hassle of picking out ones that match - you just grab and go. These are the perfect bracelets for people that want a little something extra with their outfits, but don't necessarily know what matches. 

A wide paracord bracelet is not only a fashion piece, but an item of practicality as well. With wider paracord bracelets you get more  550 cord if you need it, more detail and more color. They're fun to wear as well as make! 

Of varying difficulty, here are my favorite 8 wide paracord bracelets:

#1 Double Wide Cobra

This is a great one to try if you already know the Cobra/Solomon. It's essentially two cobra bracelets weaved together at the same time. Perfect for carrying tons of paracord at once.

#2 Zaw Bar 

I like the Zawbar because it gives a wider style without being too wide. Plus it has a unique look that I love.

#3 Blaze Bar 

The Blaze Bar paracord bracelet is another one that's similar to the cobra/solomon. A great progression from the Double Wide Cobra. 

#4 Dragon's Claw 

The Dragon's Claw has a really neat look to it. It has a "sharper" profile like the  shark tooth that I love. It's also a very flexible bracelet and isn't stiff so it's very comfortable to wear.

#5 3 Color Trilobite 

The Trilobite is a staple in the paracord world. Put a spin on the classic with 2 additional colors! 

#6 Bane's Cuff 

Any Tom Hardy fans out there? This is the one for you. While there are many  Mad Max style bracelets, this one is the widest that "originates" from the movie. 

#7 Belly Fishtail 

The Belly Fishtail is a really interesting weave. It has the qualities of a fishtail but takes it a couple steps further, which makes it one of my favorite paracord bracelets.

#8 Hex Nut 

Ahhh, the Hex Nut bracelet. I'm not going to lie to you, this bracelet was much easier to make than I though it was going to be. It's a series of half hitches with an extra strand added for looks and the Hex Nuts gives a bit of ruggedness.  

What bracelets would you add to this list? 

Let us know on on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Paracord Love, Lauri

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