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Gear up for Baseball Season with Paracord

Posted by Lauri on Mar 31st 2017

Gear Up For Baseball Season

Baseball and softball quote

Swimming, bon fires, warmth and baseball. Just a few of the best things about summer! Baseball is America's pastime for a reason- the crack of a bat connecting with a ball, beer, and of course the comradery. You can't get much better than that. There is also nothing quite like baseball's devoted fans. Rain or shine some people never miss a game. While they may be rooting for different teams, one thing those fans all have in common is their dedication to their players and team spirit. 

There are quite a number of ways to proudly wear your colors- jerseies and hats are the main ones, of course. But what about your accessories? Paracord is a great way to gear up for baseball season! You can do some DIY to wear to the games and even on off days. Here are 4 projects to try this baseball season:

#1 Stitched Solomon Bar Bracelet

Stitched Solomon Bar Paracord Bracelet

This is a great bracelet because of it's stitched look. It gives the illusion of the stitching of a baseball (or softball) making it of the best to do in your team's colors. Give the Stitched Solomon Bar Bracelet a try!

#2 Center Stitched Fishtail Bracelet

This is a new tutorial we did for the Stitched Fishtail paracord bracelet which was originally created by Stormdrain. The center stitching of the fishtail bracelet makes this project a fun one to do in your teams colors or even in white and red OR you can use Neon Yellow and Red to make it softball themed! 

#3 Stitched Trilobite Bracelet

Ready to step up your game from the Center Stitched Fishtail paracord bracelet? This Baseball Themed Trilobite Paracord Bracelet is perfect for showing your love of baseball. As you can see, it looks awesome in red and white, but would also be perfect in your team's colors. If you need, here is a tutorial on the Trilobite Bracelet.

#4 Four Strand Round Braid Necklace

Baseball players have made the "baseball necklace" famous. When I see that necklace, I automatically think of baseball. The video here is for the Four Strand Round Braid Bracelet, but can easily be adapted into a necklace by either making longer with a loop and knot or by making it longer and using a breakaway buckle

What would you add to this list?

Paracord Love, Lauri

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